Who Benefits From Yoni Yoga?
Would you like to build a deeper connection to your sensuality and sacred femininity?
Have you experienced sexual trauma?
Do you want to open and strengthen your inner feminine power?
What You'll Need
An Open Mind
Women carry many stigmas, fears, and trauma around our sexuality, sensuality, and womb care. Allow this practice to help you to connect to your body and most importantly your womb as to strengthen it and release restrictions.
Clothes For Movement
We will be lightly jumping, bending our knees, folding over, and everything in between! Make sure you are wearing something comfortable and secure.
Any form of movement is going to give you a work out. You'll be happy you brought something drink!
Your Instructor
Tori Franklin is most known for her athletic achievements as an Olympic Track athlete, but she has also studied the healing potential of Yoni Yoga. She uses these modalities herself to heal the traumas of her womb and to connect with the power of her wombanhood.